Westbank raises awareness of Devon’s army of unpaid carers in Carers Week
In response to this year’s Carers Week (5-11th June) theme ‘Recognising and supporting carers in the community’, the organisation that supports thousands of unpaid carers across Devon is highlighting the invaluable role carers undertake, which saves the NHS and Social Care organisations across the county an estimated £2.324 billion a year!
Around 75,000 adults provide care for a family member, friend or neighbour in Devon. Many are supported by Devon Carers, one of the services provided by local charity Westbank Community Health and Care. However, many people with caring responsibilities for others don’t identify as carers and miss out on support that could help make their lives a little easier.
Carers Week is an annual, national campaign that raises awareness of caring, highlights the challenges unpaid carers face and recognises the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK.
During the week Devon Carers is partnering with the National Trust and Seaton Tramway to offer free entry and trips to those registered with Devon Carers on production of their Devon Carers ID card.
In addition, they are joining forces with some fantastic organisations who are offering venues to enable unpaid carers to access information about the help and support available to them. Carers can drop in at information stands throughout Devon provided with the kind permission of Libraries Unlimited, North Devon District Hospital, John Lewis (Exeter) and Trago Mills (Newton Abbot).
Devon Carers is also running its ‘Mile With A Smile’ campaign again involving several organisations including Westbank’s Walking For Health project, Wild East Devon at Seaton Wetlands, Exeter COSY Routes and Active Devon. To help raise awareness of unpaid carers, why not take a photo of yourself walking, rolling or strolling a mile with a smile? All photos will be used as part of the campaign online, in social media and in print, helping Devon Carers reach its target of 350 miles – the perimeter of Devon!
Devon Carers would love to chat with anyone who needs more information about the help available to carers. To find out where staff will be and when, follow Devon Carers on Facebook and Twitter or visit: https://devoncarers.org.uk/community/carers-week/