Judi Spiers to host Audi Ladies event in Exeter
Come and Join us at our exclusive Audi Ladies Event - Wednesday 14th October 7.10pm at the Audi Exeter Dealership!
The night is set to be a great success, with over 20 local concessionaires, bringing everything from Michael Spiers Diamonds, Holly Young Millinery, St Leonards Flowers, Love Local handcrafted products, and The Oddfellows pop-up bar, to name just a few!
The night is FREE for all ladies to attend, and everyone will recieve a welcome glass of wine and delicious canapes from Posh Nosh.
Money will be raised on the night in aid of Macmillan Nurses through a charity raffle drawn by event compere Judi Spiers, with lots of fabulous prizes, each donated by our concessionaires.
This event is not to be missed! RSVP to: chloe@glenkingmarketing.co.uk to reserve your place. All are welcome to come and join us on the night.
We do hope to see you there.