Home Truths: Is your property turning buyers off?
Estate Agents are frequently asked, "Is there anything you feel we should change about our house or things we could do that you feel will help sell it?" Unfortunately the stock answer to this from most estate agents is usually, "Oh gosh, no, it’s lovely, sign here..."
Over the years I have become more and more aware of just how many sides there are to estate agency, but easily the most important is that of ‘trust’. Clients choose an estate agent, not because of a suit or a flashy car, and not because of the number of boards up, houses sold or websites used… it comes down to the client liking and, with that, trusting the estate agent.
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All too often, buyers say "I can’t believe that they allowed their house to be viewed like that," or "I would never let my house be viewed like that" or "Why would anyone leave their house in that state before a viewing?"
Well, there is a common denominator there – the estate agent! All too often, the agent is worried about losing the property if anything potentially critical is said – but in fact the absolute reverse is often true – after all, your client is expecting advice and help to get their property sold.
So, when you walk round with your vendor before the house is photographed and goes on sale, and you talk about those things which will make the house appear more attractive to the buyer, you will usually find that they are very willing to assist and, in nearly all cases, will make the changes.
I’m not talking taking walls down, or re-landscaping the gardens... but there are some simple things that are the frequent ‘clangers’ that buyers mention. Would you sell your car without first getting it valeted inside and out? No! So why would you allow perhaps your single biggest asset to let you down, but more importantly, allow your estate agent off the hook?
Here are our top five…..
1. Bathrooms & Kitchens
Everyone says that bathrooms and kitchens sell houses; it’s true. A good, clean kitchen and bathroom will always be crowd pleasers – stunning kitchens and bathrooms instantly have the wow factor, and buyers visualise themselves in both; but not if they are smelly, lack hygiene, are full of dirty dishes or have overflowing baskets of laundry, draped wet towels and an odour of damp feet. Clean round before each viewing – buyers pick up that clean energy the moment they walk through your door.
2. Stifling Odours
Imagine yourselves on a viewing. As you open the front door there is the overpowering stench of bins, the curry from last night, kippers from the weekend, damp trainers from Thursday night’s run, all topped off with a soupçon of wet dog to create the ultimate of evil nasal assaults. No fields of daisies on a spring afternoon here, more a wrecking ball for the senses – don’t let yourself fall into the same trap. Living somewhere, you become used to certain things – remember your buyers have never seen your house and will be excited to see it, so make the difference a hugely positive one; banish the trainers to the shed, store bins outside in a container to keep them away from Mr Fox and your buyers, try not to have strong smelling foods the night before the viewings and if at all possible keep “man’s best friend” outside and ask the estate agent to get to the viewing a little earlier than normal and open a window or two.
3. Disarray
Although not the highest on the list, it could be. CLUTTER and general untidiness will have your buyer heading for the door more quickly than you can say ‘storage solutions’. Viewing a property that is full of clutter has the same effect on the brain as bad smells, it creates very negative emotions. It will make your house look smaller than it really is, and will act as a distraction to the buyer. Tidy more things away, or ask your estate agent about any good ‘storage solutions’ in the area. This can be relatively cheap and will start the removal process early.
4. Let there be light
Entering a dark house is not the best of feelings for anyone, especially the buyer, though it is very easy to avoid. When a house is too poorly lit the buyers will tend to wonder what you are trying to hide. Replace dim or burnt out light bulbs with high efficiency, bright bulbs to brighten up your living space. Why not pick up a few stylish lamps that will not only brighten your property but will add to your home décor too?
Big windows? Take advantage of them, make sure they are clean and don’t allow your drapes and curtains to block any natural sunlight. When it comes to selling, lighting really can be everything, so create an inviting atmosphere. If it is cold and wet outside, light the fire – who can resist? If it is a bright sunny day, get the rear doors and windows open – this will serve three purposes, showing how quiet your property is, how light it is and how your garden becomes another reception space in the summer.
5. You!
Very high on the applicants’ ‘hate’ list is the owner showing the applicant round the house first time. It is nerve racking enough being a buyer, but even harder to evaluate a property fairly when the vendor does the viewing. You are paying your estate agent to sell your house, after all – for most of us, it is one of the biggest parts of the job. Make us earn our money; there is a very real danger that the buyer will not only find it hard to really ‘view’ the house, but will also give you inaccurate feedback. Should they not like it, they are very unlikely to give you their real opinion – an opinion which would have helped inform you about how your house is coming across.
So, leave it to the estate agent and see the positive results blossom. Once you have a buyer who likes the property and has made an offer – then step in, push the estate agent to one side and tell the buyer why you fell in love with the property, how nice the neighbours are and where the sun is in the summer. Bear in mind that none of these will alter the intrinsic value of the property, but they will formalise and confirm a perceptive desire to purchase and hoist your property above the opposition… Just what you want… the advantage.
Will Crossley-Tinney is a Director of Pyne & Lyon estate agents in Exeter, to contact Pyne & Lyon call 01392 908118 or email sales@pyneandlyon.co.uk