Nationwide rollout begins for 7,000 Switch branded rental vehicles
Exerter-based new vehicle rental business Switch is now operational across the entire Scot Group Ltd network of 90 UK locations.
The new Switch brand launched in June this year as part of Scot Group’s strategic growth plans to provide more flexible forms of car and van rental.
To date, 500 vehicles dual branded with Switch and Thrifty signwriting have hit the roads and Switch expects to badge 40 vehicles a day. The business estimates that approximately 3,000 vehicles bearing the new brand will be on the road by September.
Martin Wilson, Managing Director of Scot Group, comments: ‘It was a very proud moment to see the Switch brand go live. The vehicles look fantastic and will certainly stand out on the roads. The Scot Group leadership team is really excited about the future of Switch and the agility the new brand provides. We’re looking forward to welcoming new customers and introducing additional mobility services in the future.’
The preliminary Switch website is now live, with the development of a more advanced site underway. The new site is expected to be ready in September. Switch social platforms are also being finalised and will go live in August across LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.
Scot Group launched Switch to enable it to be more agile and pro-active in how it serves customers’ mobility needs in the post covid environment. The business operates across the corporate and small and medium sized enterprise (SME) sectors with Switch providing a range of flexible rental options with plans for additional mobility solutions in the future. Scot Group continues to operate the Thrifty franchise.
New Switch customer Joe Howick, Group CEO of FOD Mobility Group, a global ground transportation services provider, had this to say of working with the new brand: “Fleetondemand has worked with Scot Group for many years. They have been a very supportive supplier, easy to work with and offer a superb range of rental vehicles with excellent availability.
Switch is an exciting new brand in the industry, and we are pleased to be on board with them as their journey begins and we look forward to benefiting from their future mobility solutions as the business grows and develops.”